House of Hope, Inc. believes that all individuals have a right to a life free of abuse of any kind.
We are dedicated to improving the quality of life of families affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse by increasing public awareness, providing services, support and shelter, and utilizing resources necessary to serve the needs of victims and their dependents.
House of Hope, Inc.'s community outreach program provided direct services to:
128 children
257 women
37 men
Through the efforts of the emergency shelter, House of Hope, Inc. provided 5,956 bed nights to:
153 children
174 women
5 men
2 unspecified gender
Due to the emergency shelter being at capacity throughout the year, the agency turned away 6 women.
House of Hope, Inc.'s support groups provided services to 1672 individuals. In addition, House of Hope, Inc. provided 3865 case management hours.
House of Hope, Inc., was officially formed in 1995 following nearly a year of planning by a group of concerned Lafayette County citizens. The organization began without a shelter and for a brief period of time, community members volunteered to house domestic violence victims.
In July 1996, House of Hope Inc received 501(c)(3) certification and began offering services through the use of community volunteers. By 1997 the need for services grew beyond the capability of the volunteers and the organization responded by hiring full-time service providers, creating a 24-hour emergency hotline and purchasing an emergency shelter capable of housing 15-20 residents. Between 1997 and 2000, House of Hope Inc. increased staff and services to victims of abuse creating the need for additional space.
In 2000, the House of Hope Inc. opened the Community Outreach Center to provide non-resident victims of domestic violence a place to receive services. The new facility created the opportunity to expand the House of Hope’s focus areas to include community education, awareness, and prevention programs. School-based projects were created to provide students skills and knowledge in forming healthy relationships.
In 2002, the focus areas for House of Hope Inc were expanded again to include services to victims of sexual assault or rape. With the networks and projects in place for domestic violence adding sexual violence services was a natural transition.
In 2006 House of Hope Inc. focused on improving the quality of stay at our emergency shelter and extending services by introducing children support groups, extending children support services, a mentoring program, and outreach personnel to assist clients residing outside of the shelter.
In December 2007, House of Hope purchased and renovated a new shelter with increased capacity to serve 30 residents.
In 2012, House of Hope collaborated to bring the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program to Lafayette, Ray, and Carroll County area hospitals.